ROOT Chakra Spray

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$15.00 - $25.00
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Product Overview

My Sprays work with your Auric Field to assist in dissolving negative beliefs, feelings, thoughts, patterns, and restoring emotional balance. Only when balance is restored, can true healing occur.

CHAKRAS by definition, are energy vortex centers (spinning wheels that bring energy in, and push energy out) within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions. Seven chakras are positioned throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color, and governs specific functions that help make you human.

We are energy. All living things are created by and comprised of energy.The ability of your energy centers to function optimally is what keeps you psychologically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually balanced.

Most of us have energetic blocks and imbalances as well as energy-sabotaging habits that prevent us from accessing our full vitality, which leads us to feel emotionally and physically exhausted, scattered, dull and often leads to dis-ease.

The Root Chakra is the first chakra. Its energy is based on the earth element. It’s associated with the feeling of safety and grounding. It’s at the base of the chakra system and lays the foundation for expansion in your life.

The root chakra provides the foundation on which we build our life. It supports us in growing and feeling safe into exploring all the aspects of life. It is related to our feeling of safety and security, whether it’s physical or regarding our bodily needs or metaphorical regarding housing and financial safety. To sum it up, the first chakra questions are around the idea of survival and safety. The root chakra is where we ground ourselves into the earth and anchor our energy into the manifest world.

Balanced Root Chakra

The Root Chakra provides the links between our energetic system and the physical world and is our base for our life force energy. It gives us the motivation to eat, sleep and procreate. When it comes to our psychological and spiritual nature, it helps us develop our personal integrity, self-esteem and sense of belonging.

The energies of the Root Chakra help us to feel grounded and connected to this Earth, giving us a place for our life to ‘take root’ and for the flow of energies to propel us forward on our life journey. When these energies are stuck, stagnant, imbalanced, or blocked, our vitality and zest for life are also compromised. This can happen when our sense of belonging in the world is threatened in some way, or is experienced as traumatic, leaving us feeling a deep sense of insecurity.

Imbalanced Root Chakra

At the emotional level, some blocks or imbalances in the first chakra are related to: excessive negativity, cynicism, excessive feeling of insecurity, living on survival mode constantly.

For a person who has imbalance in the first chakra, it might be hard to feel safe in the world and everything looks like a potential risk. The desire for security dominates and can translate into concerns over the job situation, physical safety, shelter, health. A blocked root chakra may turn into behaviors ruled mainly by fear.

On the same line, when the root chakra is overactive, fear might turn into greed and paranoia, which are extreme forms of manifestation of imbalance in the first chakra.

Made of all things fucking magical, this blended spray consists of:

  • Distilled moon water: Full Moon Charged
  • Rock Salt: 100% Natural Rock Salt
  • Crystals: Black Obsidian
  • Essential Oils: Cedarwood & Bergamot
  • Flower Essence: Red Lily, Bush Iris & Waratah
  • Dried Herbs: Sage

Moon Water for centuries, cultures around the globe have used the moon in rituals for empowerment, cleansing and manifestation. The moon is an amplifier of energy, both positive and negative, and of our sixth sense. Its energy is strongest on a full moon. Because the moon has strong cleansing properties and opens our intuitive nature, we can benefit from it’s strength by harnessing its energy in moon water. 

Rock Salt helps protect and cleanse your Aura from negative energy.

Crystals have their own unique energy vibrations that interact with, and influence our bodies own vibrational energy field. Crystals are also highly intuitive to intentions and are therefore beautiful to meditate with.

Essential Oils are highly concentrated, natural plant-based aromatic compounds that offer a wealth of benefits when used for emotional, wellness and mindfullness purposes. Essential oils are produced by steam or water distillation from the leaves, wood, petals, buds, needles, bark or roots of aromatic botanicals. The natural chemical composition and aroma of essential oils can provide valuable psychological and physical therapeutic benefits. 

Flower Essence unlike essential oils or herbal extracts, capture the individual vibrational energy blueprint, through the flower part of the plant. Flower essences work by the principle of resonance within the subtle human energy field, which impacts one’s physical and emotional health. In other words, flower essences are based on vibrational energetics, rather than biochemical, and stimulate the body’s natural capacity to bring itself back to homeostasis. They also help to develop a higher level of intuition, self-esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun.

Dried Herbs a natural element added to promote aroma, cleansing, detoxifying & purifying.


  • Mist over yourself as needed. (hold above head)
  • Mist your environment to clear spaces. (home, work, etc)
  • Mist over bedding before sleep, to promote calm.
  • Store in a cool place out of direct sunlight.
  • NOT for consumption, TOPICAL use only!
  • Safe for all ages.


Michelle is the brand creator/owner and is qualified in the following areas...

  • Holistic Health Practitioner
  • Clinical Aromatherapy Specialist
  • Flower Essence Practitioner
  • Crystal Healing Practitioner
  • Aura & Chakra Healing Practitioner
  • Usui Reiki ll Practitioner
  • Neuropsychology
  • Alkaline Nutritionist



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